Jumat, 13 April 2018

Map Warcraft 3 BVO New World 4.0

     Udah lama nggak ngepost beginian. Wkw kwkkw kali ini Coba2-aja akan sh are map warcraft 3 lagi yang game nya terbilang seru ...... menurut gua sih. Ba nyak orang yang bilang lu udah gede kagak move on mo ve on dari warcraft 3. yah Game ini udah ada sejak tahun 2002 dan sekarang ud ah 2018 bung jadi mungkin warcraft 3 udah SMA k elas 1 sekarang kalo sekolah di Indonesia w wkwkkwkw. Had eh Bahas apaaan ini ? Langsun g saja Map Warc raft 3 BVO Ne w World 4.0 ini yang Bikin orang Thailand .Hip hip hip orang Thailand. Mabok nih Coba2-aja ini blog kan pake bahasa Indonesia apa bisa ora ng thail and bac a.
     Map Warcraft 3 BVO New World 4.0 jauh lebih sulit dibandingk an map war craft lain karena ai nya jago. Ja di kalo lu suka tant angan main Map Warcraft 3 BVO New World 4.0 in i kalo bisa no 1 di 6 vs 6 ai hard se mua tanpa who syo urd addy. O h iya akhirnya orang thailand yang share ini memberi nama dirinya dengan sebutan 1st[Dear]. Makasih 1st[Dear] ja nnga n lupa l ike dan fo llow halaman fb nya ya biar mas apa m bak atau malah bencong ini t erus berkarya dan buat map seper ti Map Warcraft 3 BVO New World 4.0 lagi.

Deskripsi dari sumber
// ++++ Special Thanks Tester +++++
Kwang Sinrawat


- Change starrk's model

+ Ishida
- (Rain of Light) damage reduced from (0.35 x AGI) to (0.28 x AGI)

+ Kakashi
- (Lightning Blade: Twin Lightning Shiver) damage reduced from 1200 to 800.

+ Tobi
- (Authority of the Gods) stunning for 2 secs to 1.5 sec.

+ Starrk
- (Spin Shot) damage reduced from 800/1000/1200/1400/1600 to 600/800/1000/1200/1400

+ Mihawk
- (Cleaving Attack) from 30% to 40%
- (Blink Strike) damage from (5x base STR) to (75 + (3 x base STR))
- (Blink Strike) cooldown reduced from 17.5 to 17

+ Evil Ichigo, Ichigo, Luffy, Naruto, Ishida, Neji, Aizen, Yamamoto, Sanji, Lucci, Ulquiorra, Kizaru
- (Transform Ability) bonus movement speed reduced from +110 to +60.

+ Grimmjow
- (Sword's Release) bonus movement speed reduced from +120 to +70.

+ Yoruichi
- (Flash War Cry) bonus movement speed reduced from +130 to +80.

+ Zabuza
- (Flying Turn Slash) damage form (4.5 x STR) pure dmg to (100 + (3 x STR)) spell dmg.
- (Flying Turn Slash) mana cost reduced from 200 to 150.
- (Flying Turn Slash) cooldown reduced from 17 to 14.

+ Sanji
- (Crush) cast range from 1200 to 1000.

+ item (Gem of Ture Seeing)
- Gold cost from 300 to 700.
- Item will not give permanent ability to detect invis unit anymore but can active to detect instead and can't be drop when die.
- Item (Hell Crusher) chance to bash from 9% to 7%
- Item (Arcanite Shield) chance to bash from 10% to 9%
- Item (Battle Fury) Cleaving attack from 25% to 40%
- Item (Zanbato) Cleaving attack from 35% to 50%

- Modified tree zone.


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