Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 111

Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 111. Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 111 Bab 111
    Setelah semua tim berkumpul dan berdiri di daerah masing-masing, mereka diam-diam duduk di tengah alun-alun makmur yang megah di tengah alun-alun dan stasiun utama Joseph berdiri dan mulai berbicara.

    Orang kuat legendaris ini bertubuh sedikit lebih tinggi dan seimbang. Rambut abu-abu dicampur dengan banyak warna hijau, yang merupakan hasil kekuatan alami yang kuat di tubuhnya. Kulitnya sangat putih, sama seperti cendekiawan yang sering duduk di ruang belajar dan jarang keluar, tapi lampu hijau tajam yang berkedip-kedip melalui mata abu-abu jelas memberitahu semua orang bahwa dia bukan pria dan binatang yang baik. .

    Untuk pidato stereotip Joseph, Ray terlalu malas untuk mendengarkan. Tapi dia penasaran dengan pria kuat legendaris ini dan telah menonton dengan seksama.

    Menurut penyebaran informasi di kalangan petualang, Yusuf adalah orang yang telah membuat prestasi besar baik dalam seni sulap dan bela diri. Seni bela dirinya luar biasa, sihirnya bahkan lebih kuat, dan dia adalah pendeta yang sangat kuat. Dia belajar dari pastor Gereja Dewi Panen, jadi dia ahli dalam menggunakan tongkat dan sama sekali tidak lemah dalam perkelahian tangan kosong. Dalam hal mantra casting, dia dapat yakin bahwa dia memiliki kemampuan untuk melemparkan mantra tingkat menengah, dan mantra yang tepat yang dikombinasikan dengan kekuatan militernya yang kuat bahkan lebih kuat.

    Memang benar bahwa dia belum mampu memecahkan batas-batas manusia baik dalam seni bela diri maupun casting. Sejauh menyangkut "Legend Stronger", dia sebenarnya bukan sosok yang sangat kuat. Namun, kekayaan besar yang dikumpulkan oleh keluarga Riley selama beberapa generasi memungkinkannya untuk menyesuaikan peralatannya sendiri yang sangat kuat dan sangat meningkatkan efektivitas tempurnya.

    Pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, dia bertengkar sendiri untuk melawan pria kuat legendaris, seorang paladin dari Church of Justice, yang bersikeras untuk berpihak, menolak hak istimewa para bangsawan dan pengusaha besar, dan mencoba menghakimi seekor kuda karena menginjak-injak kesenangan sipil. Ketika dia seorang bangsawan, dia dipecat di istana dan dibunuh, seluruh gereja juga tercabut, Hampir dua ratus orang digantung di luar kota Gars. Tubuhnya ditutupi pepohonan di sepanjang jalan-ini sekitar sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Itu adalah hal yang hebat, dan itu adalah perselingkuhan yang mengerikan. Sedikitnya sepuluh gereja dewa yang baik menghukumnya. Dia tidak sembarangan menyatakan bahwa semua gereja ini tidak populer. Siapapun berani mempublikasikan ajaran-ajaran suci ini di kota Gals. Orang akan digantung.

    Di sekitar peristiwa itu, sebuah perang kecil pecah. Akhirnya, keluarga Riley memenangkan kemenangan penuh, dan Joseph menjadi pemain terkuat di daratan. Banyak orang melihatnya sebagai wakil bangsawan dan pebisnis besar dan telah memenangkan penghargaan yang luar biasa dalam lingkaran ini.

    Sejujurnya, Ray tidak begitu menyukai orang ini, tapi ia harus mengagumi kekuatan pria dan tekadnya.

    Alamat Tuhan Joseph tidak lama dan dia dengan cepat duduk. Kemudian, tentu saja, putri sulungnya, Lord of the Harvest Goddess Church, datang ke tempat kejadian untuk membaca doa-doa dan mengadakan upacara agung untuk berdoa memohon kasih karunia.

    Inilah alasan langsung mengapa banyak orang sengaja datang ke Gals City untuk ikut serta dalam acara penambangan.

    Rahmat Ilahi dapat menyembuhkan luka dan membuat orang kuat. Ini adalah kemewahan yang tak terpisahkan bagi orang kaya. Namun, ritual ritual yang paling rendah pun perlu membayar ratusan koin emas. Bagi orang miskin, harga ini sama sekali tidak dapat diterima, jadi mereka hanya bisa berharap untuk upacara yang diadakan secara teratur ini dan berharap mendapatkan kesehatan dari sini. Sembuhkan beberapa rasa sakit yang telah mengganggu mereka untuk waktu yang lama.

    Jika Anda melihat dari dekat, Anda akan mendapati bahwa sebagian besar penonton sudah aus, dan banyak orang bahkan memiliki hidangan. Cuaca di awal musim semi masih dingin, dan banyak orang yang lemah gemetar dingin. Sebenarnya, sebelum upacara penambangan tahunan, ada banyak orang miskin yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam proyek ini dan tinggal di jalanan karena kurangnya akomodasi yang sesuai dan makanan yang memadai. Di masa lalu, Ray telah melihat pemandangan seperti itu lebih dari satu kali.

    Menurut beberapa petualang yang telah lama aktif di sini, jumlah orang yang meninggal dalam pembekuan tahun ini masih tergolong kecil, yaitu jauh lebih sedikit dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

    Pemikiran ini, Ray tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak diam-diam menghela napas, penuh belas kasih atas kehidupan menyedihkan orang-orang miskin ini.

    Dia ingin melakukan sesuatu untuk orang-orang ini tapi dia tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana.

    Bahkan jika dia memiliki Wu Yong, yang harus takut tiga poin bahkan untuk naga, dalam menghadapi situasi ini, dia masih merasa bahwa dia terlalu lemah dan lemah.

    "Mungkin perlu memiliki kekuatan yang sama di bawah kekosongan sudut pandang yang kosong karena akan cukup untuk mempraktikkan keyakinan Anda sendiri dan mengubah hal-hal yang tidak sedap dipandang ..."

    Namun, dia tidak tahu bahwa kekosongan Void yang di bawahnya kini masih sedikit suram.

    Iblis Shadow jelas bukan lawan yang mudah untuk dihadapi. Orang ini tidak besar, tapi kekuatannya sangat galak. Bahkan jika itu adalah pahlawan, itu akan menyakitkan dan tidak akan terasa sakit. Namun, serangan Xunxiong di atasnya sering dilontarkan oleh fleksibilitas tubuh kecil dan tidak bisa dipukul.

    Tentu saja, karena kekuatan mereka pada tingkat ini, yang sangat kuat hanyalah salah satu cara paling kuat yang digunakan. Jika pertarungan jarak dekat tidak menguntungkan, maka itu akan mengubah mantra dan parit.

    Keajaiban es yang menakjubkan benar-benar menyelimuti radius lebih dari sepuluh tahun, bahkan ruangnya membeku, mengakibatkan efek umum dari jangkar sub-elemen. Yan Xiong percaya bahwa selama dia bisa menekan keuntungan tangkas pria terkutuk itu, dia akan bisa merebutnya cepat atau lambat dan merobeknya terpisah!

    Namun, Devil Shadow mengetahui kelemahannya sendiri dan tidak memberinya kesempatan untuk benar-benar menghalangi ruang. Ini terus-menerus mengembunkan energi negatif, seperti senapan yang tajam, menembus jenazah pemenjaraan dan bergegas keluar sebelum ruang benar-benar tertutup, namun ia menolak melangkah lebih jauh. Selalu dalam jarak puluhan mil ini.徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊.

    Akibatnya, pertempuran telah menjadi perang gesekan.

    Dalam hal kondisi pertempuran, Devil Shadow telah memanfaatkannya dan dia dapat meninggalkannya kapan saja. Dia benar-benar tidak dapat menahannya untuk sementara waktu. Namun, dari sudut pandang kekuatan tempur, Yan Xiong memiliki keunggulan absolut. Terlepas dari kekuatannya atau pemahamannya tentang kekuasaan, dia berada di atas Devil Shadow. Setiap kali kedua belah pihak saling bertabrakan, ia bisa memanfaatkan rasio tukar. Ini telah dikonsumsi, dan cepat atau lambat kemenangan akan menjadi miliknya.

    Namun, pikirannya penuh dengan kegelisahan, amarahnya sedikit mereda, dan akal kembali berada di atas angin. Pada saat ini, mereka tidak bisa tidak menjadi bingung - milik mereka sendiri dan Raja Demon Shadow juga dianggap sebagai air sungai tidak melakukan kejahatan, yang mengekspresikan penyakit syaraf, untuk menyerang orang percaya mereka sendiri?

    Memang benar bahwa kamp-kamp yang kacau dan jahat itu agak aneh. Apalagi saat kekacauan itu ekstrem dan kejahatannya ekstrem, justru lebih langsung sebuah neurosis. Namun, karena Shadow Lord dapat menerima doa para penjahat dan berhasil menyelesaikan transaksi dengan mereka, jelas bukan jenis aneh aneh yang dibuat Tim Sarm. Perilakunya tentu saja bisa dibenarkan, dan ini adalah alasan yang sangat jelas. , tapi saya tidak mengetahuinya.

    Apa sebenarnya alasannya?

    Di alun-alun kota Gals, Ho Li Lai, festival utama dewi panen, menggunakan suku kata yang kuat untuk membaca nyanyian pujian dari dewi. Kekuatan magisnya yang kuat melompat ke arahnya dan mengubahnya menjadi cahaya hijau, seperti kilau hijau. Tanaman merambat terus menyebar ke arah langit.

    Wanita ini terlihat biasa, tapi ada sepasang mata yang orang tidak berani melihatnya langsung. Matanya penuh dengan kepercayaan diri dan kebanggaan. Dia seperti pedang sarungnya.

    Tidak ada keraguan bahwa dia kuat dan dia bisa dilihat dari tanaman merambat magis yang megah. Tapi Lei diam-diam kontras di dalam hatinya, tapi merasa dia tidak sebagus ayahnya Joseph atau juga saudaranya Sean. Kedua orang ini telah mampu membawa kekuatan sejati mereka bersama-sama, dan mereka biasanya tidak terpapar. Secara khusus, Sheehan, Lei telah menjalin kontak dengannya dengan beberapa kali. Dia bahkan tidak dapat melihat bahwa dia adalah seorang kastor. Ini mengerikan

    Jika dia harus memilih salah satu saudara kandungnya sebagai lawan, dia lebih suka menghancurkan dengan He Li daripada berperang melawan Sheehan.

    Setelah beberapa saat, keajaiban Ho Li perlahan-lahan berakhir, dan tanaman merambat hijau telah naik ke langit dan menghilang ke awan tipis di atas alun-alun.

    Dalam sekejap, awan terang itu penuh dengan kecemerlangan hijau, dan sebuah negara yang sepi dan indah muncul samar-samar di antara kecemerlangannya. Ladang yang luas penuh dengan nasi dan buah matang, dan banyak malaikat menyanyikan lagu untuk mendapatkan panen di dalamnya. , satu adegan panen faksi.

    "Ini adalah proyeksi dewi dewi panen," kata Hind acuh tak acuh. "Tidak peduli berapa kali saya menontonnya, itu membuat saya merasa tidak nyaman."

    Ray kaget dan ketakutan dan rambutnya berdiri tegak.

    Arti kata-kata Sean terlalu jelas dan terlalu menakjubkan. Rao selalu berani dan murah hati, dan dia takut dan tidak peduli - lihat situasi ini, jelas untuk melawan Tuhan!

    Pada saat ini, dia hampir impulsif, dan dia hanya datang untuk menanyakan berita tersebut. Bagaimana dia bisa terlibat dalam perselisihan antara Dewi dan Dewi Panen?

    Untuk mengetahui bahwa dewi panen adalah dewa dari kekuatan ilahi medium, ia sudah bisa dianggap sebagai orang yang kuat dalam sistem tuhan dunia sebagai inti tema. Orang yang mengerikan apa dia yang bisa melawan idenya dan ingin ikut dengannya?

    Lei selalu membanggakan kekuatannya, tapi dalam level pertarungan ini, apa perbedaan antara dia dan makanan ternak meriam!

    Tuhan! Tuhan! Masker kosong menyembunyikan! Sekarang aku akan menarik pedang dan menempatkan raja bajingan sampai mati? Apa? Tidak bisa mengalahkannya? Pergi ke dia Tidak bisa mengalahkan tapi bertarung! Aku hampir mati olehnya!

    Tapi penyesalan sudah terlambat pada saat ini. Dia hanya bisa menarik pedang dengan segera dan bersiap menghadapi pertempuran, tapi bukan untuk melawan Sheehan, juga bukan untuk melindungi bajingan ini yang ingin terlibat dalam berita besar, tapi dia bergegas mundur. Saya berharap bisa bertemu dengan teman saya sesegera mungkin.

    Paling tidak, setidaknya dia harus melindungi semua orang. Adapun hal-hal lain, kita harus berjuang dengan Tuhan.

    Dalam guntur pedang, Shine juga berdiri. Dia menatap dingin pada dewi dewi dewi, yang perlahan muncul di langit. Mulutnya memiringkan busur yang berbahaya dan melambaikan tangan kanannya.

    "Silakan kemari, tuan rawa dan kabut beracun!"

    Singkat kata, situasinya berubah warna dan dunia terguncang.

English Version
After all the groups were gathered and lined up neatly in the areas that had been arranged beforehand for each group, the city lord - Joseph, who was originally sitting quietly in the big President seat in the center of the square, stood up and started his speech.
This legendary powerhouse was quite tall. His body was proportional. There were some blue hair strands in his gray hair, which was the result of the infection of the mighty natural force in his body. His skin was very fair. He was indeed a scholar who just sat in the study room all year long, seldom venturing out. But a sharp green light that sometimes flickered in his ash-gray eyes clearly told people that he wasn’t a goody-goody man who was harmless to humans and animals.
Toward the opening speech that couldn’t be more old-fashioned of Joseph, Lei didn’t bother to listen to a single word. But conversely, he was very curious about this legendary power as he had been observing him carefully.
According to the information spread from the adventurer group, the city Lord Joseph was a person with a not-low level in both magic and martial art aspects. His martial arts were excellent. His magic was even more powerful. He was an extremely mighty priest. Since he was little, he had followed the priest of the Harvest Goddess’ church to study. Hence, he was good at using club and stick and also not bad at fighting empty-handed. As for his magic-casting aspect, his magic casting ability could be ranked as mid-level. A suitable magic coordinated with his mighty martial art was like giving wings to a tiger.
In fact, no matter if it was the martial art or magic, he couldn’t break the limit of an ordinary person. But in the level of a "legendary powerhouse", he in fact was not a very-strong character either. However, with the giant wealth accumulated through generations of the Riley family, he was able to make an extremely powerful piece of equipment that fit with him to increase his fighting power on a large scale.
In the past, he used to fight alone with a legendary power. That was a holy warrior of the Justice God’s church. Due to his righteous standpoint, the holy warrior had disclaimed the privilege of the nobility and big merchants. When he was about to judge and give a final verdict about a noble kid who rode horse and trampled on commoners for fun, Joseph had barged into the court and killed this holy warrior on the spot. The entire church was uprooted. Almost two hundred people were hung up outside Garles city. Corpses were piled up densely along the roadside--------this incident happened approximately ten years ago. That incident really caused an uproar. At least ten churches of the righteous Gods had been sent to reprimand him. But he didn’t mind the announcement of these unwelcoming churches. Anyone who dared to evangelize the doctrines of these Gods in Garles city would be all hung up.
Around the time of that incident, a large-scale war had been aroused. In the end, without a doubt, the Riley family gained the victory which made Joseph become a famous powerhouse in the mainland. Many people viewed him as a representative for the nobility and big merchants. In this area, he was given such a big honor.
Honestly, Lei really hated this man, but he couldn’t deny his ability as well as his determination and decisiveness.
The speech of the city lord - Joseph was not long either. He finished reading it very quickly and sat down. His oldest daughter, the priest of the Harvest Goddess’ Church, was obviously the next one to get on stage to read the prayer and start to perform the formal God’s grace praying ceremony.
And this was also the main reason why many people purposely came to Garles city to join the Exploitation Ceremony.
God Blessing could cure all pain, and make human people become sturdy and healthy, which was an essential luxurious enjoyment of the rich. But even if this was a low-grade God’s grace ceremony, they would have to pay one hundred gold coins. To the poor, they couldn’t afford this price. Hence, they could only put their hopes in this periodic ceremony, hoping to become healthy from this place and to be cured from the pains which they had suffered for a long time.
If looking closely, one might discover that the majority of spectators dressed very shabbily. Many people looked famished. At the beginning of the spring, the weather was still a little bit cold. Many people with weak physiques were trembling crazily due to the cold. In fact, every year before the Exploitation Ceremony, there would be many poor people that came here. As a result of lacking food and accommodation, they would die from the cold on the street. During the past few days, Lei didn’t see a sight like this once.
According to some adventurers who had been active in this place for quite a time, the number of people dying from the cold this year was pretty small compared to last year...
When thinking about this, Lei couldn’t help but look,;his heart was full of sympathy toward the miserable life of the poor citizens here.
He wanted to do something for them but didn’t know where to start.
Although he could use his power to scare a giant dragon, he still felt that he was too weak when facing such a situation.
"Maybe, having power like Highness Hollow Mask is enough to implement my belief, to change those unpleasant to the eye things..."
But he didn’t know that right now Highness Hollow Mask was badly battered.
The Devil King Shadow was not an easy opponent to deal with. This guy’s build was not big, but his power was extremely ferocious. Even if it just violently beat Sui Xiong a little, he would be in serious pain, suffering from a decent wound. But toward Sui Xiong’s attack, he could easily escape by relying on the flexibility of its small build, which made Sui Xiong unable to hit it.
Of course, to powerhouses like them, a hand-to-hand combat was one of the most powerful methods to use. If a close combat didn’t work, then it should be changed into a magic fight.
The majestic ice magic had completely covered the range of more than ten miles. Even the space was frozen, resulting in the effect of the independent anchor dimension. Sui Xiong believed that as long as he could block the nimble dominance of this rascal, sooner or later he would be able to catch it and tear it to pieces!
But the Devil King Shadow understood its weakness really well, not giving Sui Xiong any chance to besiege the space. It constantly condensed negative energy. It was like a long sharp pike poking through Sui Xiong’s prison space, opening a path and getting out before the space was completely blocked. But he didn’t go too far, but lingered around within the range of ten miles, fighting with Sui Xiong.
Hence, the battle had turned into a war of attrition.
By the looks of the battle situation, the Devil King Shadow was taking the upper hand, it could run away anytime. Sui Xiong didn’t have any good method to imprison it at the moment. But judging from the combat force, Sui Xiong took the upper hand. No matter if it was the power intensity or the understanding about power, he was still on a higher level than the Devil King Shadow. Every time both sides collided, he always took the advantage. If they continued eroding each other like this, sooner or later the victory would be his.
However, Sui Xiong’s heart was full of insecurities. His rage had slightly settled down. His mind once again had taken control. This time, he couldn’t help but start to doubt-----This Devil King Shadow and I have each other’s own business. Why did this rascal get crazy, and suddenly attack my believers?
Indeed, those who belong to the chaotic evil camp are mostly eccentric. They are especially chaotic, extremely evil, and are bluntly put, psychopaths. Yet, the Devil King Shadow might have accepted the prayers of these villains, not to mention he had just smoothly finished negotiating with them. But one thing I can be sure of is that it is not Tim Thrall, that extremely chaotic freak. It definitely has a reason behind its action. Moreover, it is a very clear reason, which I don’t know.
. . . What on earth is the reason?
In the square in the center of Garles city, the priest of the Harvest Goddess’ church - Holly Riley used a powerful and resounding voice to chant an anthem to eulogize the goddess. A powerful dark power emitted from her body, turned into a green light, which was like a vine that was constantly spreading toward the sky.
This woman had a very ordinary face but her sharp eyes made people unable to meet her gaze. Her eyes were so full of arrogance and confidence. She was like a blade out of its sheath, clearly showing her talent.
Without a doubt, she was very strong. Lei was able to tell from the imposing energy of that magic vine. However, Lei silently made a comparison inside. He found that she wasn’t on the same level as her father – Joseph nor could be compared to her younger brother - Shane. These two people could have restrained their true powers. On a normal daily basis, they didn’t show themselves. Especially Shane, Lei had interacted intimately with him several times. But he couldn’t tell that Shane was a caster. Such a capability like this was indeed scary!
If he was made to choose one of these two brothers and sister to be his opponent, he would rather fight with Holly. He didn’t want to be in a battle with Shane.
After a while, when Holly’s magic was slowly coming to an end, the green vine had already flown up to the sky, disappearing out of nowhere into the mass of clouds that were floating in the sky.
In this moment, a green halo appeared in the mass of clouds. Inside the halo, a beautiful and peaceful country vaguely showed up. On the big terrain, there laid many cereals and ripened fruits. There were also countless angels who were singing some harvest folk-song. It was a scene of a harvest season.
"This is the projection of the Harvest Goddess’ Kingdom." Shane said nonchalantly, "No matter how many times I look at it, it still makes me feel uncomfortable."
Lei was so frightened that the hair on the back of his back stood up.
The meaning in Shane’s words was indeed too obvious, also too terrifying. Although he normally claimed himself to have a big gut, he was scared to almost lose his wits-----judging from this situation, it is clearly a God fight!
At this moment, he was indeed stimulated to the point that he wanted to curse. I just want to inquire some information. How the hell did I end up getting involved in the conflict between some God and the Harvest Goddess?!
One thing to know was that the Harvest Goddess was a God with a mid-level God Power. In the God system in the entire worlds that took the Main Surface as a core, she had already been taken as a powerhouse. Having the intention of fighting against her, wanting to compete against her, how terrifying this guy must be!
Lei always claimed that his ability was not bad. But in such a high-class fight like this, he was not any different from a cannon fodder!
Heaven! God! Highness Hollow Mask! Right now, can I take out my sword to kill this bastard - Shane? What? Can’t beat him? Doesn’t matter! Even if I can’t beat him, I have to beat him! This grandfather is about to die because of him!
But at this moment, it had been too late for him to regret. He could only take out his sword right away, prepare his best power to fight. He didn’t do this to fight with Shane nor to protect this bastard who had made everything into this state, but to hurriedly retreat to the back in the hope of quickly reuniting with his comrades.
At the very least, he had to protect everybody well. As for everything else, no one could pay attention to them as they saw a God fight was about to happen!
While Lei was restless and frightened, taking out his sword, Shane also stood up. He coldly stared at the Harvest Goddess’ Kingdom, which was slowly appearing in the sky, and smirked dangerously as he swung his right arm up.
"Please descend here, the Lord of Swamp and Poison!
As his words were sent out the clouds and wind changed their colors, the sky and Earth were rocked. Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 111. Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 111 Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 111 Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 111

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