Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia 5

Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 5. Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 5 Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 5
  Yan Xiong menemukan bahwa di dunia ini, ada sesuatu yang bisa disebut "sihir".

    Kekuatan dingin es yang bisa digunakan paus adalah bawaan, tapi kekuatan kekuatan ini sangat kuat sehingga membekukan laut yang luas dalam sekejap, tapi tidak murni alami, dan itu berasal dari budidaya lusa.

    Metode kultivasinya adalah menyerap tenaga sihir di parit di laut dalam.

    Bibi benar-benar ingin pergi ke darat dengan cepat, mencari asap manusia, dan dengan cepat mencari tahu seperti apa dunia ini. Namun, dia mengerti dengan lebih jelas bahwa tidak peduli di mana dan kapan, pelestarian dirinya sendiri adalah hal yang paling penting. Jika dia tidak dapat mengendalikan keingintahuan, kalaupun ada sembilan kucing aneh, cepat atau lambat mereka akan mengubur diri mereka sendiri.

    Dunia tidak aman. Seekor paus besar di lautan di kabupaten akan menggunakan plot, belum lagi dunia manusia.

    Dan ada kekuatan magis di dunia ini. Saya tidak tahu berapa banyak orang asing yang ada dan saya tidak tahu berapa banyak yang aneh ada di sana.

    Karena itu, dia perlu lebih memperkuat dirinya dan memperkuat kekuatannya sendiri sehingga bisa memastikan dia bisa hidup di dunia ini. Bahkan jika Anda tidak ingin menyalip dunia tangan tak terkalahkan, setidaknya pastikan bahwa meski Anda tidak bisa melarikan diri bisa kabur.

    Setelah menunggu dengan sabar mencairnya es, ia mengubah paus raksasa itu menjadi penyerap nutrisi, dan memperbaiki dan menyempurnakan tubuhnya yang sementara.

    Kali ini, dia membuat tubuh lebih besar dan lebih tahan banting, menambahkan banyak tentakel dan beberapa set baling-baling, dan mengubah tubuhnya menjadi cekungan, meninggalkan banyak gerai.

    Badan berongga dan gerai ini bisa menyeimbangkan tekanan di tubuh dan tubuh, dan tidak akan terbebani oleh tekanan laut dalam. Dan bila dibutuhkan, outlet air ini juga bisa berubah menjadi lubang semprotan air, dan airnya bisa digunakan untuk mengubah arah dan menyesuaikan postur tubuh.

    Dalam pertempuran sengit, ini sangat penting.

    Sui Hung ingat sebelum persimpangan, serangkaian besar dunia animasi Jepang yang terkenal dalam mereka robot kuat bermain terbalik, tampaknya akan disertai oleh beberapa "sistem kekaisaran gerakan nozzle", tampaknya putih hal seperti itu.

    Dikatakan bahwa rangkaian animasi memiliki tingkat teknologi intrinsik yang tinggi, dan bahkan jika itu benar-benar bisa membuat robot sesuai dengan disainnya (apa yang tidak terlalu buruk adalah masalah lain), maka lubang air ini seharusnya sangat berguna?

    Bagaimanapun, itu tidak merepotkan.

    Tubuhnya berongga juga berguna untuk menyimpan barang.

    Paus bertanduk tunggal telah meninggalkan banyak jarahan, sebuah tanduk tajam dengan kekuatan dingin yang kuat, permata yang dingin di otaknya, tulang yang kuat dan tak terduga, dan kulit yang masih sulit setelah sekarat. .

    Bibi Xiong memanfaatkan sepenuhnya sumber daya ini untuk merekonstruksi dagingnya sendiri, tapi biarpun ini tidak sepenuhnya habis, bagian yang tersisa dari tubuhnya diikat dan dikumpulkan di tubuh.

    Bagian belakang ransel orang lain, dan ranselnya, juga inovatif.

    Setelah dia siap, dia terjun ke laut dalam dengan anak yang galak dan berenang menuju parit dalam ingatan paus.

    Laut dalam gelap dan dalam, hampir tidak ada cahaya, dan tidak aman untuk berbaris di dasar laut. Dalam kesan paus, ia telah menemukan bahaya di dasar laut lebih dari satu kali, jadi meski diketahui bahwa parit itu adalah harta karun yang bisa sangat meningkatkan kekuatannya, namun tidak berkali-kali.

    Lagi pula, meski paus disebut "ikan", ikan itu bukan ikan, tapi masih harus diapit untuk bernafas. Paus dan paus di bumi ini memiliki kemampuan tempur dan kebijaksanaan yang sangat berbeda, namun sangat mirip dalam hal ini.

    Setelah mengisap udara, ia bisa menyelam untuk waktu yang lama dalam satu nafas, tapi jika ditemui berkelahi di dasar laut, akan berbahaya jika terjerat.

    Konsep Sui Xiong tidak ada perhatian dalam hal ini, jiwa tidak perlu menghirup udara, ubur-ubur tidak memiliki pernapasan - belum lagi ini adalah ubur-ubur mati, Sui Xiong sendiri tidak mengerti mengapa jelas tidak benar-benar busuk mayat, juga Bisa hidup dan menendang. Singkatnya, dia sama sekali tidak perlu khawatir dengan masalah menyelam dan kekurangan oksigen.

    Ubur-ubur tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat hal-hal yang tersembunyi, namun para pahlawan yang bisa meningkatkan kekuatannya bisa menggunakan rasa jiwa untuk mencari tahu tentang situasi sekitarnya, yang lebih nyaman dari pada paus asli. Selain kebutuhan untuk naik saat menyusui, sisa waktu ia telah berenang di laut dalam, mencari harta feng shui dalam memori paus.

    Sepanjang jalan, ia bertemu dengan monster laut dalam beberapa kali, tapi tidak meletus lagi. Setelah pemodelan ulang, tubuh itu sangat kuat sehingga monster bisa menimbang sebelum dan sesudah serangan. Pahlawan itu tidak bermaksud merebut situs tersebut. Mereka sering melihat mereka dan berjalan-jalan, sehingga mereka tidak akan kesal.

    Selama dia tidak tahu cara berenang, akhirnya dia sampai ke parit.

    Ini adalah lautan eksotis yang ditutupi oleh sinar biru dan putih, dan berada di dasar celah dangkal yang lebar di laut.

    Bukan sinar yang kuat yang mengungkapkan rasa dingin dimana jiwa terasa dingin, dan batu di dasar laut ditutupi oleh embun beku tebal. Perhatikan baik-baik, cahaya biru dan putih sebenarnya berasal dari lapisan embun beku ini.

    "Apa yang terjadi di sini?" Bibi mengerang, dengan hati-hati mencuatkan tentakel yang disiapkan sementara dan mencoba menyentuh embun beku yang bercahaya.

    Tentakel segera menjadi es loli, dan es masih menyebar dengan cepat di sepanjang tentakel ke arah tubuh. Untungnya, dia telah dipersiapkan, dan tentakel ini tidak hanya jauh lebih panjang daripada tentakel lainnya, tapi juga memiliki beberapa titik lemah dan tiba-tiba terputus.

    Sebuah es loli panjang jatuh perlahan ke laut dan jatuh ke embun beku yang bercahaya. Alih-alih bermunculan, itu berubah menjadi bubuk.

    Bibi melihat kulit kepala itu kesemutan, tanpa sadar jauh dari tempat hantu ini.

    Tak heran jika paus tahu bahwa mereka bisa meningkatkan sihir mereka di sini, tapi tidak berani datang sering. Tempat ini terlalu mengerikan! Jika Anda tidak peduli, Anda akan kehilangan hidup Anda!

    Setelah ragu sejenak, Yan Xiong akhirnya mendapatkan kembali parit es biru dan putih.

    Ini memang berbahaya, tapi selama Anda berhati-hati dan cukup menjaga jarak, bahaya masih terkendali. Sama seperti dia melintasi dunia sebelumnya, kita semua tahu bahwa listrik itu berbahaya, tapi tidak ada yang tidak melihat listrik.

    "Nah, jarak ini hampir sama." Setelah sedikit lebih dekat, Yan Xiong tidak mau maju. Menggunakan beberapa baling-baling untuk memutar ke segala arah, sehingga tubuh mantap di dalam air, ia mulai mencoba menyerap atmosfer yang dingin.

    Ini tidak mudah, lagipula, dia bukan paus raksasa yang secara alami mengendalikan kekuatan dingin. Namun, yang disebut kung fu bukanlah orang yang telaten. Saya tidak tahu berapa banyak waktu yang dibutuhkan. Dia akhirnya bisa menyerap sensasi dingin ini dan menyimpannya ke dalam tubuhnya.

    Proses ini agak lambat. Untungnya, ia menjadi semakin terampil, menyerap lebih dingin dan lebih cepat. Tidak tahu berapa lama, dia tiba-tiba menemukan bahwa tubuh ubur-ubur benar-benar terkondensasi dengan permata di kepala paus.

    "Apakah ini ... ... adalah 'inti ajaib' legendaris atau 'kristal ajaib' dan sejenisnya? Dikatakan, ubur-ubur saya telah berkembang menjadi World of Warcraft?" Bibi merasa sedikit lucu, dan daerah itu memiliki mayat. Anda tidak hanya bisa mencari nafkah, tapi bisa berkembang menjadi World of Warcraft ... dunia ini luar biasa!

    Setelah mengembun permata yang bisa disebut inti ajaib, kecepatan menyerap dingin jelas dipercepat. Karena udara dingin yang besar diserap dan disimpan di batu permata, Akio mulai merenungkan bagaimana cara menggunakan udara dingin.

    Ada tiga cara untuk menggunakan paus dingin di paus. Yang pertama adalah mengubah dingin menjadi satu baris dan melewatinya sepanjang laut untuk membekukan musuh. Itu digunakan dengan cara ini saat berpura-pura menjadi master.

    Metode kedua adalah menyebarkan udara dingin ke seluruh tubuh untuk membentuk lapisan baju besi yang membeku. Awalnya, saat bermain melawan Yukio, tidak sempat menggunakan trik ini - tentu saja, meski tidak membantu dengan pasti.

    Metode terakhir adalah melepaskan sejumlah besar dingin yang tersimpan di batu permata sekaligus dan benar-benar membekukan area perairan yang luas di sekitar mereka. Pembekuan seperti ini bisa dikontrol. Begitu seekor paus lolos dari bahaya, pada akhirnya dapat menyerap dingin dan mudah mencairkannya. Sangat mudah untuk melarikan diri atau membunuh.

    Namun, biaya langkah ini juga sangat besar. Begitu digunakan, ia benar-benar akan kehilangan kekuatan es dalam waktu singkat, jadi paus selalu menggunakannya sebagai trik hemat energi.

    Menurut Yoshio, ketiga ukuran ini memang bagus, tapi masih terlalu monoton.

    Dia meminjam pengalaman "sebelumnya tahun" sendiri, dan melalui eksplorasi berulang, dia mengembangkan dua langkah tambahan.

    Trik pertama adalah menggunakan es untuk membuat pisau cukur. Pisau cukur ini bisa digunakan sebagai pedang dan senjata, dan juga bisa menjadi pelayan. Penggunaan perubahan adalah senjata yang sangat bagus.

    Ukuran kedua, kendala listrik Ice, tidak akan pergi ke es langsung pemboman, musuh akan segera menghantam tubuh musuh mulai membeku dari dalam ke luar, meskipun konsumsi tidak kecil, bisa jauh lebih kuat bahwa paus Es lebih kuat dan itu hanya tipuan untuk membunuh.

    Sesuai dengan prinsip "bahkan jika seekor anjing harus memiliki nama," Han Xiong mengambil lima trik, atau sihirnya masing-masing.

    Sinar beku, baju besi es, segel es, es, es pemboman.

    Sejujurnya, nama-nama ini sama sekali tidak ganteng, bahkan jika Anda memikirkan nama-nama ini, Anda merasa konyol.

    Konyol namanya konyol, triknya mudah digunakan di telepon.

    Semua trik ini harus mengkonsumsi kekuatan es. Dengan terbentuknya nukleus sihir, Yan Xiong telah mampu terus menumpuk kekuatan es, namun mengandalkan akumulasi hariannya, ia mampu berjongkok di bawah kekuatan es, tidak banyak. Dibandingkan dengan kecepatan penyerapan dan akumulasi di parit es, itu hanya hitungan hari.

    Setelah bereksperimen, dia juga mengidentifikasi hal yang menarik: di dunia ini, semakin rendah, semakin tinggi konsentrasi sihir, atau semakin cepat Anda menyerap kekuatan untuk mengumpulkan es, dan semakin tinggi konsentrasi, konsentrasi sihir. Semakin rendah kodratnya. Namun, begitu keluar dari air, situasinya terbalik. Semakin naik, semakin tinggi konsentrasi sihirnya, semakin rendah turunnya.

    Secara umum, tingkat keajaiban permukaan air dunia adalah yang terendah, dan tidak mengherankan bahwa ikan dan udang di perairan dangkal itu lemah dan berantakan.

    Ini adalah dunia yang indah!

    Tidak tahu sudah berapa lama, Yu Xun merasa bahwa udara dingin yang diserapnya dari parit es hampir mencapai batasnya. Bagaimana dia bisa menyerapnya? Inti sulap tidak akan bisa menyimpan lebih banyak. Itu hanya akan seperti kebocoran air. Kehilangan kedinginan tidak hanya dia tidak baik tapi akan merusak dagingnya.

    Dia mengerti bahwa waktu kultivasi telah selesai. Sekarang saatnya dia pergi ke darat dan mencari asap manusia.

English Version
Sui Xiong discovered that there was some existence, which could be roughly called the "Dark Magic" influence.
The Giant Whale's ability to use the ice power was innate. The reason its power could reach such a formidable level in a blink of an eye was the sea situation which was not purely innate and the results of practicing.
Its practice method was absorbing an abundance of dark magic from some place in the oceanic trench deep down the sea.
Sui Xiong actually really wanted to return to the inland to find a human being to clearly inquire what on earth this world was like. But he knew very well that in anywhere at any time, protecting himself was the most important factor. If he couldn't control his curiosity, even if he was like a cat having nine live, sooner or later he would dig his own grave.
This world was also not safe. It was just only a giant whale but it had already used crafty plots and machinations, then there was no need to mention about the human world.
If there was any dark magic existence in this world, he didn't know how many other extraordinary superheroes or wicked schemes were there.
Therefore, he needed to strengthen himself and intensify his power to make sure that he could be able to live safely in this world. Even if he wasn't a champion who was impossibly defeated, , he at least wanted to make sure that he could still run away if he couldn't win.
After patiently waiting for the ice to melt, he used all the nutrition that he had absorbed from the giant whale to improve as well as enhance this temporary body of his.
This time, he would make this body become much bigger and more elastic. He would increase more tentacles and several propellers, at the same time, give this empty body more water outlets.
If this empty body and these water outlets could make the pressure inside its body equal to the external pressure, then it wouldn't collapse by the pressure from the sea. When necessary, these water outlets could turn into water holes to sprinkle water. Through sprinkling water, he could urgently change directions, and adjust his body's posture.
In an intense fight, this was absolutely a must-have.
Sui Xiong remembered back then, before he had jumped space, in those world-wide famous Japanese animations, there were sensationally powerful robots, which probably incorporated the posture called the "Nozzle Controlling Posture", which was like a stuff more than a posture.
People said that there was an extremely big amount of technical content in these series of animations, which people could use to make a robot (the question about whether or not it could work was another thing), therefore these water holes, could they really work?
It wasn't bothersome anyway, he could use it when necessary.
The empty body also had other effect, which was used to store other stuffs.
That Giant Horned Whale had left behind a considerable amount of spoils. The sharp single horn contained a hidden formidable icy cold power. Its brain had an icy gem. Not to mention its bones, which were unexceptionally firm, the tough outer layers of them were still undamaged after itdied.
Sui Xiong made use of these resources to once again restructure his body. Even if he couldn't use up all of these resources, he would pack up the rest and stored it in his body.
Other backpacks were worn on their backs, while his one was hidden in the stomach, which could perhaps be considered as creative.
After fully preparing, he took a big dive deep into the sea, towards the oceanic trench in the giant whale's memory.
The deep sea became darker and darker. There was as if there was a single light here. However, it was also unsafe for him to go any deeper to the bottom of the sea. According to the giant whale's impression, it didn't only encounter the danger in the bottom of the sea once. Therefore, even though it knew that oceanic trench was the Feng Shiu Treasure Land, which could help it enhance its power several times stronger, it hadn't drop by many times.
After all, although a whale was called a "Fish", strangely it was not like a fish. It could still come to the surface and breathe. In terms of fighting force and intelligence, this giant whale and the whales on Earth were like day and night. However, they still had this one point in common.
After getting enough air, it could dive in the sea for a really long time. But it was still very dangerous if it had to fight at the bottom of the sea.
Upon this aspect, Sui Xiong wasn't worried. A spirit didn't need air to breathe. A jellyfish basically didn't have a concept of breathing---not to mention, this was a dead jellyfish. Sui Xiong didn't know why this body hadn't rotten after dying, instead, he could still jump and run. In short, he completely didn't need to worry about the lack of air when diving deeper. He could dive for any duration of time that he wanted.
A jellyfish couldn't see things in the dark. But thanks to the increase in power, Sui Xiong could use his spirit's sensation to explore the situation around, which was more convenient than the giant whale. Except for the time when he needed to come up to look for food, he spent the rest of the time on searching deep in the sea to find the Feng Shiu Treasure Land in the giant whale's memory.
On his way, he had encountered giant beasts in the deep sea many times, but he didn't attack. The body, which had become an exceptionally powerful one after being reformed, was enough to block the attacks from these giant beasts continually. Sui Xiong didn't follow to them their territories. Every time he saw them, he always took the detour, which avoided the possibility of irritating them.
He just kept swimming. Then unknowingly, he had reached that oceanic trench.
There was a piece of white light strangely enveloping the sea area. At the bottom of the sea, there was a huge rift at the bottom.
The bottom of the sea didn't have any intense lights inside. But even a spirit could feel an icy cold energy from that. Rocks bristly covered the bottom of the sea with a thick layer of cold frost. If looking closely, the blue and white lights were from this layer of cold frost.
"What exactly has happened?" Sui Xiong whispered to himself, carefully stretching his tentacles, which had been prepared before, one by one, trying to reach the shinning layer of the cold frost.
The tentacles immediately turned into popsicles. The freezing quickly spread to other parts of his body. Luckily, he had soon been prepared for this. these tentacles were different from the other long tentacles. If there was any weak spots on these tentacles, it would be cut off right away.
A long popsicle slowly fell into the sea, which radiated a glowing cold frost. It didn't explode when falling down but turned into dust scattering everywhere.
Sui Xiong's head felt numb. He was unconsciously aware that he needed to get away from this hellish place.
No wonder why that giant whale, which had known this place very well, could enhance its power, thus it didn't dare to come here often. This place was too frightening! If I am careless, this little life of mine will be done for sure!
After hesitating for a while, in the end, Sui Xiong still decided to again approach that blue and white icy cold oceanic trench.
This place is indeed dangerous. However, I just need to pay a little more attention and maintain a certain distance. The extreme danger will be in control. Just like the world where I come from, everybody knows that electricity is dangerous, but there is nobody that doesn't need electricity.
"Fine, this distance is almost the same." After approaching a little bit, Sui Xiong didn't want to keep going up. Making use of the propellers, which were rotating, to keep his body stable in the water, he started to try absorb that icy cold energy.
This was also not easy. Anyway, he wasn't born to have an ability to control the giant whale's ice power. There was a saying that 'hard work pays off'. He didn't know how long he had spent but he had finally succeeded in absorbing the ice energy, at the same time storing it in his body.
This process was a little slow. Luckily, he was getting more and more skillful, the speed of absorbing the ice energy also became quicker. Without noticing the time passing by, he suddenly discovered that inside of the jellyfish's body, it had also condensed the same gem as the one inside of the giant whale's head.
"This ... must be a legendary 'Magic Stone'? Or a type of 'Magic Crystal'? If it is the case, can I turn this jellyfish into a ghostly beast?" Sui Xiong found this funny. A dead body, which was possessed by him, could not only jump but could have also changed into a ghostly beast....this world was simply too marvelous!
After finishing condensing the gem called the Magic Stone, his ice energy absorbing speed had increased tremendously. The sea ice energy after being absorbed was then contained into the gem. Sui Xiong started to think about gem-using problem.
The giant whale had used three ice methods. The first one was using the ice energy to form a line outwards, along the sea current making the enemy frozen. Before it was completely compelled by Sui Xiong, it had used this trick.
The second one was scattering the ice energy around its body to form an ice frost armor. When it and Sui Xiong had confronted each other, it didn't have time to use this trick---of course, not using means that were not useful.
The last one was releasing a big amount of ice energy inside the gem to completely freeze the surrounding sea area. This kind of freezing skill was controllable. Once the giant whale had gotten out of danger, on the contrary, it could re-absorb the ice energy, freely melt the surroundings. No matter how hard the enemy had tried to escape, it still got killed in the end. This was really convenient.
However, the price of using this move was big as well. Once it was used, in a short time, it would completely lose its ice energy. Therefore, the giant whale persistently kept it as a life-saving strike.
According to Sui Xiong, these three tricks were not bad, but they were too boring.
When he had referred to his "Previous Life" experiences, through repetitive searching, he had found two other moves.
The first one, was in using ice to create a blade. These blades could be used as a blade or sword, or could be turned into claws. It could be easily transformed and used, which made it an extremely good weapon.
The second one was using the ice power to transfer force, not forming into an ice block but directly releasing it outwards. Once it hit the enemy, it would immediately freeze the enemy's body. Although the consumption was not small, its force was more formidable than the giant whale's ice line. It was simply the best masterstroke kill.
Based on the principle "even a dog has its own name", Sui Xiong gave these five moves---or it could be called black arts---different names.
Frozen Ray, Freeze Ray, the Great Frost, Icy Blade, Icy Bombardment.
Honestly speaking, these names didn't sound good. Even though Sui Xiong was the one who had come up with these names, he himself had found them stupid as well.
Although these names were silly, as long as the moves were good, then it was fine.
All these moves needed to use ice power. Along with the Magic Stone formation, Sui Xiong had been constantly collecting ice power. But based in his daily accumulation, the amount of ice power that he could use was not much. As compared to the accumulation speed of the ice oceanic trend, this was simply poles apart.
Through experiments, he had learned some interesting stories: In this type of world, the more that I go down, the more concentrated that the dark power gets. Or in other words, my speed of collecting the ice power will then become faster. On the other hand, the more that I go up, the lesser the dark power's concentration was. But once I get out of the water, the situation would be reversed. The dark power's concentration gets denser as I go up, and lesser as I go down.
In short, the level surface of this world had the lowest concentrations of dark power. No wonder, in this shallow place, these sea creatures became a total mess.
What a marvelous world!
Sui Xiong didn't know how long time had flown. He could feel that the ice energy that he had absorbed from the icy oceanic trench had almost reached its limit. Even if he had absorbed more, that Magic Stone could not afford storing any more of it, it would be the loss of water leakage. These losses of ice energy were not only useless to him. On the opposite, it would hurt his body.
He could guess that his cultivation time was over. Right now, he should go back to the mainland and find other people.

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